
Welcome to the creative world of Jennifer Lambein!

I'm in love with the idea of expressing myself to the world through my art and the written word.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Inspired and excited about my new artist's blog!

Hi everyone! Long time no write. I hope your 2012 has started out healthy, happy, and full of hope. For awhile, I posted a blog. Unfortunately, it fell by the wayside. Soooo, my goal in 2012 is to remain dedicated to posting my artistic adventures at least twice a week. For those of you who are just now stumbling upon me...I'm a licensed artist/designer. I use a variety of mediums...watercolor, pen and ink, colored pencil, marker, acrylic, collage... Basically, anything that brings my vision to paper or canvas! My work ends up an everything from greeting cards to coffee mugs. I feel it's a special and unique experience to bring my fans/readers in to my world of creation...and if I can meet some creative and/or inspiring souls along the way?...even BETTER!!!! So, get to know me, my art, my process, my world, my coffee obsession...and hopefully, I'll get to know some of you!

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